Goproc allows Events Authority to Create Events which are Digitally Signed / PKI Enabled and Non-PKI Events; Bidders are allowed to either Participate on PKI or Non-PKI Events. Please Choose
Start here to register as an Events Authority (Auctioneer or Tendering Authority)
Using the GOPROC Events (eAuction & eTender) platform, Events Authorities (Auctioneers or Tendering Authorities) can dispose Excess Goods, Industrial Scrap, Used Vehicles and Used Equipment, while also analysing the Events (eAuction & eTender) with post-Event reports & audit trails. Events Authorities (Auctioneers or Tendering Authorities) can also conduct Events (eAuction & eTender) on their own or ask a GOPROC expert to conduct one on their behalf.
Find out how our Events (eAuction & eTender) solutions could help you. Fill the form and we will get back to you shortly.